HoJo’s Directory of Blogs by Category - Alpha by title in each

My Photo
Location: St Augustine, Florida, United States

Among other things I am a father, grandfather, brother, uncle and fortunate member of a large and loving family without a throw-away in the bunch. Now a writer of quips, essays and short stories, I started serious writing and my first novel at age 70. A chemical engineering graduate of Purdue University in 1949, I am a dreamer who would like to be a poet, a cosmologist, a true environmentalist and a naturalist. I've become a lecturer on several subjects. That's my little buddy, Charlie, with me in the photo. He's an energetic, very friendly Lhasa Apso born in September, 2003. He's a good one!

Friday, December 07, 2007

New List with links - Dec 7, 2007

HJ BLOGS by Category

Virtually all of my blogs, from serious to frivolous, from political to personal, from the insignificant to the world stage, from factual to parody. None of these are to be considered politically correct and all, except for quotes, represent my personal opinion.

Like most humans, I believe myself to be correct. Unlike the liberal left, the hard conservative right, or fundamentalist religious zealots, I do not exclude the possibilty that my beliefs could be wrong for the world. Also unlike the liberal left I believe in solving problems, not in using those problems as clubs to batter my political opponents and gain power for myself while never offering any solutions.

A Convenient Solution, the book
A Convenient Solution! - a real answer to our energy problems, excerpts
. . . http://acsexcerpt.blogspot.com/
A Convenient Solution - A request for help in promotion
. . . http://hjshee.blogspot.com/
A Convenient Solution - Overview of the book
. . . http://acsoverview.blogspot.com/
An Inconvenient Truth - response
. . . http://aitrespexc.blogspot.com/
Global Warming - ACS
. . . http://glowarmacs.blogspot.com/
Terrorism, a Practical Answer
. . . http://terracs.blogspot.com/
A Convenient Solution - the lecture
. . . http://hjacslect.blogspot.com/
New Vehicle Fuels - needs update
. . . http://cheapfuels.blogspot.com/
SOLUTIONS - Introductions included in the book
. . . http://hjsolnlist.blogspot.com/

A Halo for Barb - Barb's Miracle
. . . http://halo4barb.blogspot.com/
Barb's last Days
. . . http://barblast.blogspot.com/
Barb's Miracle
. . . http://barbhalo.blogspot.com/
How to Find a Wife
. . . http://2findwife.blogspot.com/
Postscript to a Beautiful Life
. . . http://psbeautlife.blogspot.com/

Funnies & warm fuzzies
Beavers, Bears, and the law
. . . http://bbandlaw.blogspot.com/
Heart Warmers - warm fuzzies from HJ & Internet friends
. . . http://hjheartwarm.blogspot.com/
HJ Family and Friends from the Heart
. . . http://hjff6827.blogspot.com/
Recalling Christmas, 2004
. . . http://hjxmas04.blogspot.com//
The latest funny from the Internet
. . . http://hjfunnies.blogspot.com/
The Most Beautiful Will Ever Written
. . . http://lounsbwill.blogspot.com/

General interest, non political
A Shay Day - a very wonderful true story about a small boy
. . . http://ashayday.blogspot.com/
ADT Security - Don't count on ADT! - bad learning experience
. . . http://adtsecurity.blogspot.com/
HoJo - Thought for the day - A much neglected blog
. . . http://hjdaythought.blogspot.com/
Internet Petitions - A Waste of Time and Effort???
. . . http://hjinetpet.blogspot.com/
Keep your PC free of Attacks - how to
. . . http://hjpcfree.blogspot.com/
M10 The Whirlpool Galaxy - a striking photo
. . . http://www.m10spiral.blogspot.com/
New Universe Theory - a radical departure from the conventional
. . . http://nunivers.blogspot.com/
Reflections on Male - female communications
. . . http://hjmfcomm.blogspot.com/
Star Flyer Cruise in the Mediterranean - our cruise with photos
. . . http://spvcruise.blogspot.com/
The Futility of Gas Wars - why they never work
. . . http://gaswars.blogspot.com/
Wildfire Experience - my only stint in the movies in 1953
. . . http://hjwildfire.blogspot.com/

Human problems & history
Collapse/sustaining of Societies and Civilizations
. . . http://hjcollapse.blogspot.com/
Decimation of the Environment - The Real Culprit (lecture)
. . . http://decimatenviro.blogspot.com/
Environmental Collapse - SFN Exchange by writers
. . . http://sfn6815.blogspot.com/
Global Warming - Facts? and Facts! - on the global warming panic
. . . http://hjgulfstream.blogspot.com/

Information, family & general
Contacting Howard Johnson
. . . http://hjcontacts.blogspot.com/
General Information
. . . http://hjgeninfo.blogspot.com/
HoJo Blog List
. . . http://hjbloglist.blogspot.com/
HoJo Blog Directory
. . . http://hjblogdiry.blogspot.com/
HoJo's Directories of Blogs by Category
. . . http://hjblogcat.blogspot.com/
Johnson, Grimm, Swenson Calendar
. . . http://jgscal.blogspot.com/
Johnson Clan Addresses
. . . http://hjgangaddr.blogspot.com/
Johnson, Grimm Swenson Directory
. . . http://jgsfaminfo.blogspot.com/
Listing of Lectures, Complete and Partial
. . . http://hjlectlist.blogspot.com/
Talks and Books by Howard Johnson
. . . http://tdbookshj.blogspot.com/

Kids information - laymen also
Big Bang for Kids and Laymen
. . . http://bigbangkids.blogspot.com/
HJ Kids Message - a sharing with my offspring of father's day 2007
. . . http://hjkids.blogspot.com/
Welcome to the Real World
. . . http://etherealworld.blogspot.com/

News and personal information
I believe - a collection of my personal beliefs - always in progress
. . . http://hjibelieve.blogspot.com/
Johnson Family News
. . . http://hjgang.blogspot.com/
Latest HoJo News
. . . http://hjffnews.blogspot.com/
Travels with Charlie
. . . http://hjfamilyfriends.blogspot.com/

A Conservative turns Liberal??? - a parody
. . . http://consv2lib.blogspot.com/
Arianna and hate response 2-10-06
. . . http://hjarianna6210.blogspot.com/
Attack Dogs and Political Bitches
. . . http://hjattackdogs.blogspot.com/
HJ Response to Murtha Letter to GWB about Iraq war
. . . http://hjmurthabush.blogspot.com/
Ho's Rants - strong opinions, pro and con, not all political
. . . http://hojo2rants.blogspot.com/
Immigration - an unusual view and suggestion
. . . http://hjimmigration.blogspot.com/
Iraq - An exchange with a bright young man re: Murtha letter
. . . http://murtha5d09.blogspot.com/
Is the United States Becoming an Atheocracy? - Lecture
. . . http://hjatheocracy.blogspot.com/
John Stossel - a fellow non-liberal/Conservative?
. . . http://hjstossel.blogspot.com/
Lectures by Howard Johnson - a list with short descriptions
. . . http://lecturesbyhojo.blogspot.com/
List of Political Blogs
. . . http://hjpollist.blogspot.com/
Our Constitutional Protection Going, Going, Gone!
. . . http://constititiongone.blogspot.com/
The Enemy we Grossly Underestimate - Radical Islam
. . . http://hjislamunder.blogspot.com/
The Feudals - those who would take us back to the dark ages
. . . http://hjfeudals.blogspot.com/
The Last Elephant - under construction
. . . http://lastelephant.blogspot.com/
Why the Minimum Wage delivers the opposite of what it promises
. . . http://hjminwage.blogspot.com/
Why I am not a Liberal, Socialist or Communist
. . . http://hjnonlib.blogspot.com/

Quotes and other info from other writers
Quotes of Eric Hoffer -2- Direct quotes from one of my favorite authors
. . . http://ehoffer.blogspot.com/
Quotes of Talbot Munday
. . . http://talbotmunday.blogspot.com/

Genesis 2001 - the creation story rewritten using modern knowledge
. . . http://genesis2001.blogspot.com/
Science and Religion, a Reconciliation - Lecture
. . . http://sciencerelig.blogspot.com/
The Myth of the Separation of Church and State - Lecture
. . . http://hjchurchandstate.blogspot.com/

Solutions, Creative and practical
Practical solutions offered by HJ to many serious problems - list
. . . http://hjsolnlist.blogspot.com/
A Real Answer to the Drug Problem
. . . http://hjdrugprb.blogspot.com/
A New Plan for Disaster Relief
. . . http://hjdisrelief.blogspot.com/
How Indiana can grow jobs rapidly
. . . http://jobgrowth.blogspot.com/
Solution to the ID security Problem
. . . http://hjidsecurity.blogspot.com/
The Johnson Tax Code
. . . http://jtax.blogspot.com/

Writing - books & stories
(see also A Convenient Solution)
Blue Shift - Chapter one
. . . http://blueshift1.blogspot.com/
Blue Shift Review
. . . http://blueshiftrvu.blogspot.com/
Carol Hughes - a work in progress
. . . http://carolhu2.blogspot.com/
Ho's Short Stories - some, but not all, mostly Sci-Fi
. . . http://hojoss.blogspot.com/
How to Find Love - an Example
. . . http://hjfindlove.blogspot.com/
Images of Pain - SFN members reactions to 9-11, immediately after
. . . http://imagepain.blogspot.com/
List of HoJo's writing, fiction and non-fiction
. . . http://hjwritelist.blogspot.com/
SFN Exercise - writer develops story around the italics by SFN
. . . http://sfnss.blogspot.com/
Stentor Seven - a fanciful location for many of my SciFi stories
. . . http://stentor7.blogspot.com/
Story Telling as Communication
. . . http://hjstorytel.blogspot.com/
The Gold Feather - my favorite SciFi short story
. . . http://hjleura.blogspot.com/
Words From the Lakeside - the anthology
. . . http://wrdlakeside.blogspot.com/

Monday, November 13, 2006

All Blogs by groups - List and Links to all HJ Blogs, Listed in groups by type. http://hjbloglist.blogspot.com


All Blogs in alpha - List and Links to all HJ Blogs, Listed alphabetically by Titlehttp://hjblogdiry.blogspot.com


Lectures - Listing of Lectures, complete and outline or idea (incomplete)http://hjLectList.blogspot.com


Political - Listing of all manner of Political Commentary - Straight, Parody, Sarcastic etc.http://hjPolList.blogspot.com


Solutions - Listing of Suggested Solutions to Many Serious and Menacing Problems.http://hjsolnlist.blogspot.com


Writing - Miscellaneous and General Writing including: Entireties, Excerpts, Descriptions and Promotions about Ho Jo’s Books, Novels, Short Stories, Essays and Miscellaneous Writing - fiction and non - Complete and Under Construction - mostly not Listed in the Other Listings.